Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Review - United States of Tara Season 2 Episode 3 The Truth Hurts

For the first time, we see Tara trying to be Buck. She practices the mannerisms and the accent before meeting up with Pammy. I assume Tara was carrying on the charade, so Buck would break up with Pammy and end the relationship there. Tara can't finish and reveals her true nature. Pammy is heatbroken and angry and Tara doesn't know what to do.

I wasn't all impressed with the rather boring episode until the end where we finally see the consequences of Tara's actions. Everyone is at the ice rink, happy for once, until Pammy shows up and proclaims her love for Buck/Tara. Later, Tara breaks down in the men's restroom and Max beats up Sully.

It seems like all the characters are having a identity crisis this season, and Max is caught in the middle. Tara doesn't know who she is, Marshall is with a girl now but doesn't seem too interested, and Kate is being drawn into Lydia's weird world. When Max learns what Tara has been doing, it's too much to handle.

Score: 8.8/10
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