Friday, April 2, 2010

Review - Supernatural Season 5 Episode 16 Dark Side of the Moon

Supernatural look a trip down memory lane this week and came out more or less in the same place. Coincidentally, Fringe did the same thing. At the onset of the episode, I my expectations were through the roof. Sam and Dean was dead and in heaven. "This shit just got real," I thought to myself. Not really.

"Dark Side of the Moon" cleverly provided insight into Sam and Dean through glimpses of their personal heavens. Ash made a fantastic return, showing off his genius qualities, drinking abilities, and overall awesomeness. Castiel directs Sam and Dean to the garden to speak with Joshua, an angel who communicates with God regularly. Zachariah tries to snatch Sam and Dean the entire episode, because they have to be alive to agree to become vessels. After they are caught, Joshua shows up and informs them of the terrible truth. God doesn't think he should intervene. That's all Joshua knows and even he wants God to do something.

What "Dark Side of the Moon" didn't do was change anything about the Apocalypse. Sam and Dean are back in the trenches of the real world, away from the perfection of heaven which is like the Matrix as Dean points out. Their struggle to prevent the Apocalypse has no heavenly backing unless God was misdirecting Joshua.

Score: 9.3/10
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