Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Review - United States of Tara Season 2 Episode 9 The Family Portrait

This season is all about things spiraling out of control and the show continues moving forward in that direction. In terms of plot, "The Family Portrait" didn't really go anywhere, but presented some increasingly difficult relationships between characters. Max sleeps with Pammy first, then sleeps with Shoshana with Tara's permission, and admits sleeping with Pammy. Yeah, this isn't turning out good.

After the drug adventure last week, Marshall's neighbor is mad at him and Lionel for making the other gay neighbor run off. Apparently drugs do weird things to him.

Kate meets up with a rich guy who wants to talk to her about things. I don't see why other than that he's crazy, but he owns some yogurt stores, so how crazy can he be? At the end of the episode, Kate returns the getup and gets in a big fight with Lydia, who is upset both Kate and Tara came to her to resolve their problems and then left.

Nick has been holding back and holding back, but it looks like he'll react much like Max did. Womenfolk on USOT aren't putting up a good show and the men have largely been sitting back, waiting for something to happen. Charmaine puts Neil in a tough spot, using his recommendation of abortion to have him sign over custody.

Score: 8.7/10
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