Fox was first with American Idol (6.2) and Glee (4.9).
NBC was second with The Biggest Loser (3.2) and Parenthood (2.5).
ABC was third with Dancing with the Stars (2.4), Lost (4.0), and V (2.1). V was up .1 from last week, but is that enough for a renewal? Maybe, just maybe. Much like NBC, ABC had a disastrous year for new dramas and to make it worse, the dramas got plenty of positive buzz unlike the new NBC dramas.
CBS was last, yes last, with NCIS (3.1), NCIS: Los Angeles (2.8), and The Good Wife (2.3). After starting the season demolishing the competition, CBS's Tuesday lineup has really come down from the sky to settle below the other networks. Weird how these things work out. Another weird thing, is the close gap between NCIS and Los Angeles. NCIS has maintained its quality and LA was always pretty bad, but the two are coming closer and closer together. The Good Wife has been far above any new drama this season, but has come down to numbers not suited for CBS.