Friday, October 1, 2010

Review - Fringe Season 3 Episode 2 The Box

With the worlds divided week by week and all the crazy plots going on, "The Box" bridges a standard MOTW episode and mythology episode, and is slick combination of the two. Although it was nothing groundbreaking, the episode did provide a few more couples and sets the tone for the rest of the season for episodes in this world.

The other Olivia has to pretend to be like the old one, in addition to knowing about this world's general knowledge. Clearly she'll be caught in a lie soon, but thus far, that hasn't happened, the most being a few hints of a change in character. At the same time, she seduces Peter, making out with him to avoid him seeing blood seep under the door. And Peter remains completely oblivious while Olivia operates under their backs.

The titular "box," a device which kills people through ultrasonic waves, is revealed to be another component of Walternate's crazy device. What's more, Peter refers to it as "ancient." Just imagine the possibilities--a device created from an ancient civilization (Stargate, anyone?).

While "The Box" is never really that exciting or creepy, it sets solid groundwork and expands the mythology just a bit. A note about ratings: Fringe is performing badly and it's hard to see the show getting a renewal from numbers hovering around 2.0--but Fox has continued to express nothing but support for the show.

Score: 8.8/10
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