I'm wondering if Julianna Margulies was get yet another Emmy nomination. She's been close to perfect so far, and is amazingly compelling whenever she is on screen. Most of the time her expression is closely guarded, but you can see the anguish behind it.
All the dirty, salacious details were about to come into the open, and as abruptly were stopped. Chelsea Handler made a great guest appearance, reveling in the joys of other's secrets. Amber Madison, the call girl, finally came out in the open, and has plans for a book and interviews. Alicia in her pain, asks Peter for help, who threatens Amber, ending the problem for now.
The grandmother,Jackie, seems to be the villain in the household. She snoops, she intrudes, and is an overall despicable person. When Alicia came home, and Jackie told her to bring the kids to church, and followed that up by saying that Zach was listening to Muslim music, I just shook my head. She also stole all the incriminating photos, shredding them. The writers have turned her into a completely despicable character which I hope was their intent.
The kiss in the end was unexpected, so this is what I think about it. Alicia could have been traumatized even further, and turned to her husband for help who did help her in the end. Daniel, Peter's attorney, had just told her Peter may stay in prison forever. By kissing Peter, she shows her appreciation for him, and if he never gets out -- well I guess she'll be content to kiss him.
Score: 9.4/10