Friday, November 20, 2009

Review - Fringe Season 2 Episode 8 August

For a lot of people, this episode was hit or miss. Personally, I loved it. The pacing was amazing, the story was good (though a tad sappy), there were great emotional scenes, and we learned more about the Observers.

Granted the inhuman creature loving a human has been done in a variety of ways that Fringe pretty much copied, I still find it interesting each time. Love is an abstract concept that can't be defined by the strict logical reasoning the Observers employ. So how does an Observer come to love a human he has only watched? For whatever reason, this Observer, August, was compelled to save this woman, risking everything and going against his brothers (?) in the process.

Peter finally did something badass which should have come much earlier since badassery is NOT reserved solely to Olivia. We got to see him kick down a door, and then punch the assassin with a gun at his head. Then we got to see him shoot the assassin with the crazy Observer gun. Maybe in the future we can see Peter carry a gun all the time. It would make him far more useful than he currently is.

I was confused why the Observers would get a human hitman to do their dirty work. From what we've seen, Observers can do the job themselves quite effectively. By confronting August with another Observer, there was also a greater chance the meeting wouldn't end in bloodshed.

There are lots of theories out there, but at least I think we can infer that the car crash where Walter and Peter were saved by the Observer is somehow related to Peter being kidnapped by Walter. The Observers maintain some kind of equilibrium in the universe which is why Christine had to die. Maybe Peter had to live so an Observer helped Walter cross over to bring another Peter back. As with the other Abrams shows, I'm already feeling the weight of the mythology build to an unexplainable point.

Score: 9.5/10


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