Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Review - Castle Season 2 Episode 7 Famous Last Words

Out of the three shows I watched on Monday, I probably have the least clue on what happened in Castle. Basically it took me 5 hours to watch the 40 minute episode. I would watch a few minutes, fall asleep, wake up, and then repeat the cycle. Eventually I finished the episode, but I'm still not entirely sure what happened.

I thought it was cool how a lot of the episode was dedicated to analyzing song lyrics and how it helped solve the crime. Sure it's unrealistic and kind of stupid, but it was a welcome change to the normally bland crime solving in Castle.

The Castle and Alexis relationship is really great and I like how we can see Castle being completely responsible. It was off-putting seeing how Alexis reacted to the death of a singer she's never even met. When I saw her at the police station, that was enough. The teary eyes were kind of pathetic.

I really enjoyed seeing Beckett and Castle put Sky on the right track though the ending with the concert dedicated to Halley was in true Castle fashion a little convenient. Without a proper time frame, I also wondered how long it took for Sky to become sober.

Score: 8.8/10


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