"Miracle Man" comes close to reaching the next level of of monster of the week episodes which has episodes like "Ice" and Beyond the Sea." I has all the elements--Mulder's sister, Scully's faith, a nifty case about a miracle worker harming people--but it comes up short, not pushing the envelope enough to get the viewer invested emotionally.
There are some interesting situations brought up. Samuel is placed in an amazingly difficult position, both as a savior and then as a destroyer. He is, after all, just a teen in a role no one should handle. Leonard Vance hates his existence as a maimed man and gets back at Samuel by killing others. Sheriff Daniels refuses to believe in any extraordinary powers even though his wife is wheelchair bound, and yet, when Samuel dies, he questions whether more could have been done for his wife.
The first season is really wearing on me and I'm ready to move on the the next few seasons which are much better. I'll try to do one more this season.
Score: 8.8/10