Monday, August 3, 2009

Review - True Blood Season 2 Episode 7 Release Me

I went to sleep really late last night watching a bunch of episodes, so other than the plot of this episode, I can't think too clearly about anything. I woke up this morning and I'm still way out of it, so bear with me and hopefully I can come up with something good.  

With 5 episodes left, there is sure to be crazy things happening and yesterday's episode was no exception. There were some pretty big revelations and one big shocker. I found it interesting that they described a bit of vampire physiology when they don't go to sleep during the day.

Maryann continues her orgy until Andy Belflour comes stumbling in and shoots his gun. This startles everyone enough for Sam to run away and turn into a bird (how awesome is that?). The next morning, Eggs and Tara don't remember anything and Maryann is acting all weird having killed a rabbit. Sam finds Daphne down at the pond and she explains to him that Maryann is a maenad, worshippers of Dionysus. I'm not sure if this was too much of a surprise as there was already some speculation on this. Daphne explains that Maryann can't do anything to her or Sam since they are supernatural beings and they have to voluntarily join her. Later, Andy goes to Sam's bar and acts all crazy, except he isn't and knows what happened. No one remembers, but Sam knows the truth.

Later, Daphne and Maryann meet at the pond where Eggs promptly comes out with the black eyes and stabs her, most likely to death. I wonder how much control if any people have when Maryann is influencing them. People do appear to have sex with people they found attractively previously, so there has to be some part of their mind left. This begs the question about Eggs and whether he is a bad person or not. It's a good thing the only finished the orgy from last episode and didn't have a new one. Frankly, I was kind of tired of the constant orgies every episode. They were all the same except in degree and last way to long. I guess the producers just wanted to show a bunch of breasts and sex.

Sookie and Hugo stay captured and Hugo is totally freaking out. He tells Steve everything who learns her last name is Stackhouse and now Jason is dead meat since they think he's helping the vampires. It also turns out that Hugo was the informant. This kind of came as a surprise, but there were so few people to consider that it wasn't that important. Steve and Gabe confront him and Gabe takes him off to be killed. Jason manages to fight him off and runs away. I'm wondering whether Sarah Newlin is more insane than Steve Newlin. Sarah tells Jason she has to tell Steve what this did since she can't give up all her values. After she learns he is Sookie's sister, she drives out and shoots him. It looks like it was a real gun, but from the press releases, Jason is still in action in the next episodes.

The Jessica Hoyt storyline was pretty hilarious as they revealed to each other they were virgins. Their story is so sweet and innocent, but since this is True Blood, there has to be a disastrous turn somewhere.

Meanwhile, Lorena has Bill trapped in his hotel room. We see flashbacks of them breaking up and Lorena's reaction. Bill says she lost her humanity and the tedium ensues. Bill is probably one of my least favorite vampires. Angel can be broody and cool at other times. Bill is just weird all the time. We also learned she came because of Eric who wants Sookie for himself. Sookie manages to send a telepathic message to Barry who tells Bill (or his door) The episode ends with Gabe beating up Hugo and trying to rape Sookie. Godric somehow breaks out and pwns Gabe.

I don't know if it's my sleepiness, but I don't think this episode was that great. There was some Bill backstory that could have been told in much shorter time. The Maryann story is great, but I would like to see some progression. Almost nothing has been done, especially when it seems like she has no ultimate goal. Couldn't Sam just get a gun and kill her?

Score: 9.2/10

I will have a review for Defying Gravity and a comparison to Virtuality later today. I might need a nap or something because I feel dead right now.


Jen said...

This was not the strongest episode, especially after last week's episode.

I was surprised that Hugo was the informant, so I applaud either the show staff or Charlaine Harris for that reveal. (I haven't read the books because I don't want to be spoiled for the show. I will read them one of these days.)

When Jason found the lord at the end of S1, I looked forward to a break from the Jason sex show. Unfortunately, the Maryann-induced orgies have amped that up so far that naked folk no longer seem sexy.

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