Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Review - House Season 6 Episode 15 Black Hole

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...... Sorry, I was dosing off. My interest in the show has completely dropped. I think I'd rather start watching Grey's Anatomy again.

House went completely into the science fiction realm with the brain images. There was some awesome images of space in the beginning, so maybe the writers intended for the episode to be sci-fi. Probably not. Not only that, the writers had to go the creepy, icky route with the boyfriend's father having sex with the girlfriend.

Taub and his wife are having problems again. Taub tries to convince her he isn't up to no good, and he buys her ring. His wife loves it, and everything looks fine. But House spots Taub being a little too friendly with a nurse at the end of the episode. Yawn.

Preference of furniture reveals the person's biggest, darkest secrets? Lets get the tarot cards out!

Score: 7.5/10
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