Monday, March 8, 2010

Review - Big Love Season 4 Episode 9 End of Days

Umm...yeah...that's the season finale. The silly season ends with a silly speech by Bill and a silly shot of Bill and the wives holding hands. Bill's idiotically absurd dream of winning the state senate and coming out finally came into fruition. There were a few missteps here and there--a raid of a compound in Mexico, another baby coming along--but here they are.

Everyone knows their secret, and Bill will have to find a way to live with it. The episode had a combination of everything that has made the season so terrible--an annoyingly unreflective Bill and a ridiculous plot. Several times, Bill offers up stupid platitudes of why he's doing what he's doing. But we already know why. He's taken the same stance from the beginning: he wants to bring polygamy out into the open to shed its taboo image. It's like the writers are still trying to convince us it's a good idea. Well, it's not.

Marilyn puts it nicely, "Your religion is pathetic. It's just another excuse for fucking around." He essentially had affairs with Margene and Ana, and isn't repentant to the least bit. In fact, he took those affairs and transformed them into marriage to advance this idea that his polygamist life was good and wholesome. Newsflash for Bill: You're a moron. Barb tells Bill that she doesn't need him anymore, but nevertheless, she stands up for him in the end. How long she keeps putting up with him is only a matter of time.

The writers have done a terrible job portraying Bill as the man whose aspirations were clouded by his stupidity. He's not even an antihero anymore. He's just a douche. He's not likable, and sounds fake as hell. Chalk it up to the directing, writing, or Bill Paxton; Bill as a character sucks.

Not to ignore the other storylines, but they were useless. JJ implanting eggs of family members to have pseudo-incest was completely unbelievable. The politics made no sense since Bill seemed a lot more liberal than his Democrat opponent.

I don't know how much more I can stand about the show. If the writers continue down the road of stupid stories without focusing on the characters, I might not watch anymore. When the wives interact, it's great television, and no external forces are needed to make it good. All those other things only detract from the main draw of the show which is the family.

Score: 8.2/10
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