The ending of "I'd Prefer My Old Office" is very perplexing, indicating that Muslim will target Hewes & Associates in the next three days, and quite frankly, out of the blue. After an entire where the flashbacks are either Chris's recollection of his teammates dying, or Michael becoming a drug dealer, this thing pops up, leaving us with more questions. Could Boorman be setting a trap?
Speaking of Boorman, Erickson appears more and more to be a decent person led astray by Boorman. He clearly has his convictions and believes in more than self-interest. On face value, he seems rather genuine. However, Boorman is constantly insinuating that less-than-legal actions must be taken, and Erickson more or less declines to respond, recognizing that for High Star to survive and continue on his vision, the company must first survive.
After Ellen's trick to get Patty to offer her help last week, Patty is fully on board this week after Ellen hits a major roadblock, with Chris being coerced by AC. It's clear that the mercenaries in Afghanistan are unforgiving, emphasized by the shooting of Chris's informant, so we can see how easily it would be for Chris to end up where he was in those flashforwards.
I'm not entirely sure about the Michael stuff, however. While I recognize the importance of Michael, I never really cared about him beyond how Patty reacted to him. An entire episode with flashbacks of what he's doing didn't resonate with me. Now that he's back in the picture and likely up to something devious I sort of care, but I could have done without so much of him in the episode.
Score: 8.7/10