Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Review - Castle Season 3 Episode 14 Lucky Stiff

When that kiss happened two weeks ago, everyone got excited about the possibilities, and all these rumors were flying around. However, after "Lucky Stiff" it's safe to say that the kiss doesn't really matter. Sure, we all saw it happen, but what are the visible consequences? Castle and Beckett don't talk about it, there's not even hints about the kiss, they don't kiss again, and they don't even get close to kissing again. It was just another transitory occurrence on a procedural, where actions in one episode rarely carry over to another.

"Lucky Stiff" has the usual story of a lottery winner having bad luck, and a hasty twist towards the end to tie up the episode. But more importantly, the episode gave up the opportunity to expand on the kiss with Castle and Beckett at the nightclub. The situation bears resemblance to the one during the kiss, an undercover operation. Instead, the writers make it a Castle checks out Beckett's butt scene and it's quickly over.

Score: 8.4/10
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