"Two Stories" is a gimmick episode, but not all gimmick episodes are bad. If executed correctly, they can be charming, innovative, or any number of positive adjectives. But if the episode is like "Two Stories," neither enhancing, nor adding anything, then the gimmick looks like any easy way for the writers to get through an episode with minimal effort.
The story within a story isn't too bad, and is funny for the most part with Hugh Laurie tugging it along with all his abilities. Unfortunately, the story is completely boring and by the end of the episode, like the two kids, I just wanted to know what happened. Get rid of the school and have Hugh Laurie sit there and tell the story until the end! The main problem about the story is that it's about Cuddy and how how House doesn't seem to care much about what she wants. Predictably, he makes up with her in the end.
Score: 8.0/10