Monday, February 7, 2011

Review - Chuck Season 4 Episode 14 Chuck Versus The Seduction Impossible

After the semi-closure in last week's episode, the second half of Chuck's fourth season starts off with "Chuck Versus The Seduction Impossible," an episode which knows its silly and runs with it. The episode moves at a brisk pace and has small jokes all over the place.

The relationship problems between the two featured couples, Chuck/Sarah and Beckman/Roan, don't venture too much into the schmaltzy area, but remain playful as the episode continues. Chuck and Sarah might be totally clueless about relationships, but they do get it done in the end, although without hardship--and bellydancing!

While the vast majority of the episode is not serious, Casey does find himself in a hard position, wanting to talk to Alex's mother but realizes she is fine as she is now and doesn't need him suddenly jumping back into her life. But what about Casey? With all the attention on couples in the episode, he's the odd man out.

Score: 9.0/10
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