Friday, November 6, 2009

Review - FlashForward Season 1 Episode 7 The Gift

Just wondering, do the writers think we're idiots? The scene with Al jumping off the roof was very powerful and well-made, but the message was stupid. Al proclaims that by killing himself, he's now changed everything and flash forwards all around the world may not come true. Sorry Al, but you think out of the approximately 7 billion people on Earth, no one has thought to kill themselves? His noble sacrifice may have saved Celia, but surely not anyone else.

Here's a much easier solution to this big mystery over changing the future. Check all deaths after the FlashForward, cross reference with Mosaic, or ask friends and family. If there's one hit, then Al's point is proved. Does this make me an honorary member of the FBI?

And then this is all assuming the visions were all accurate portrayals of the future. Everyone seems convinced of it, so after 7 episodes, I am confused why the FBI or anyone hasn't ask some scientists about brain chemistry. In a show that's supposed to be "smart," why has no one thought of using science to solve the mystery?

The weekly shouting matches between couples are getting tedious and make me want to tune out. Zoey is getting on my nerves and I don't know if it's the writing or Gabrielle Union, but she's so annoying sometimes.

Okay, I read some other reviews and I guess we are idiots. Some reviewers for large sites are actually proclaiming Al's suicide as a major game changer. Apparently many people who review TV shows have the same level of imagination as the writers of FlashForward or don't use critical thinking. FlashForward has a whole other world out there not called Los Angeles and I'm sure there are other investigations out there.

My theory is that in the FlashForward universe, everyone's IQ is about 75% of our's in the real world which explains why the FBI and the rest of the government seem so stupid and why I can think of all these ideas while they are doing shit. I'm still wondering if the writers intended for the "China!" accusation from the CIA to be a joke.

Score: 8.6/10 (only for the directing)


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