Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Review - The Closer Season 6 Episode 15 An Ugly Game

"An Ugly Game" tries to show that Brenda is not infallible and that Gabrielle has her back regardless of her current mindset. However, how the episode plays out leaves me with plenty of questions. There were the intense scenes you come to expect from the show, but the plot left me

Hasn't Brenda dealt with addicts before, so wouldn't she know how they think? It's not like Brenda was baffled by the sheer complexity of the case or character. It was an addict who killed someone but claimed to be the victim--a circumstance Brenda should cut through with ease.

And why did Gabrielle call Pope without fully trying to explain to Brenda what was going on. Sure he told to about the keys in an emphatic manner, but he never confronted her, sat her down, and told it to her straight. Instead, Gabrielle brings in Pope to handle Brenda. But I guess that is supposed to be Gabrielle having her back.

Score: 8.3/10
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