Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Review - Castle Season 3 Episode 12 Poof! You're Dead

"Poof! You're Dead" uses the world of magicians very effectively, incorporating a key trait of magicians, illusion, into several plot twists. Along the way, Beckett and Castle get to play around with magic and Esposito tries his best to hide his relationship with Lanie, which everyone already knows about.

Castle breaks up with Gina at the end of the episode and Beckett gives one of her looks. Whether it's a sign of progress is another story. Sure, it can be interpreted as a step forward, but are the writers ready to pull the gun? For those who saw the preview for the episode in two weeks, there was a huge tease, but I'm predicting a fake-out.

For anyone who didn't read the news, Castle was renewed for a fourth season, which will make it somewhat of a TV veteran.

Score: 8.7/10
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