Monday, January 24, 2011

Review - House Season 7 Episode 10 Carrot or Stick

House has been reduced to mildly amusing, non-dramatic subplots. This week Chase gets pranked by a scorned woman and House gets Rachel into a school for gifted kids by cheating, and Cuddy is turned into a useless nobody. It might elicit a smile or chuckle, but there's nothing more to it.

The medical plot of "Carrot or Stick" is near forgettable. The most I can say about it is that Sam Adama from Caprica is father to young Chris Rock. Meg says her usual girly lines about being nice and how the kid needs his father, and we're supposed to feel all emotional about it.

Recent news that David Shore had to abandon the Rockford Files remake after a major House storyline was scrapped late in development pretty much tells the story. The writers don't know what to do anymore and are on borrowed time.

Score: 8.0/10
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