Monday, December 20, 2010

Review - The Closer Season 6 Episode 13 Living Proof, Part 1

It's Christmas time, but crime still goes on, meaning the crimesolvers have to stick around and finish the job. It also means that we'll have to stick around an additional week to see the conclusion.

Unfortunately for everyone else and their Christmas plans, Brenda remains tenacious and keeps digging. The result is a slew of dead bodies relating to an Albanian blood food (the line had me laughing). Left alive is the boy, his uncle, and his aunt. One or more of them isn't telling the whole truth, and the recording of the uncle and the grandfather arguing in Albanian should shed more light once it's translated.

"Living Proof, Part 1" keeps things mostly in the center with Brenda's parents arriving to add light humor to the episode while the mounting body count forced everyone to stay grounded. The conclusion next week should be more explosive once we learn what's really going on.

Score: 8.8/10
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