Monday, March 29, 2010

Review - Nurse Jackie Season 2 Episode 2 Twitter

I think this will be my last review for a while. Without pushing the envelope which it could easily do, Nurse Jackie ends up as a flat dramedy that doesn't stand out in the myriad of other shows on broadcast, cable, and premium cable networks. Edie Falco is one of the best actresses on television which is probably the main reason why people watch the show.

"Twitter" was a step up from the season premiere, but there wasn't much to see. Coop is tweeting about the hospital which is where the title of the episode comes from. He gets on Jackie's nerves, and their interaction is relatively light-hearted until Jackie discharges a patient who is actually has cystic fibrosis. The preliminary test was negative, but the final results were positive. Ouch...

Eddie talks to Kevin again and is extremely close to telling the truth. Eleanor is high, so she's blabbering on about being godmother to Jackie's kids. Clearly she's still reeling from the news her mother died. The crazy guy in the apartments falls out, and Zoe helps him regain his god complex in a funny way.

Score: 8.7/10
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