Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Review - Damages Season 3 Episode 9 Drive It Through Hardcore

Damages is a show that makes a lot more sense later on People and events that are significant come into focus and those who aren't go to the wayside. That's the main problem with reviewing episodes week by week. We don't know where everything fits, and the puzzle looks kind of crooked right now. "Drive It Through Hardcore" didn't make much sense and was all over the place, but could it gain more significance when we look back on the episode. Or it might not.

Carol Tobin is beginning to crack as the weight of her murder of Danielle Marchetti comes down on her. Leonard Winstone is left to sequester her and keep an eye on her all the time, only letting her out of sight when he brings her to the psychiatrist. I got a weird vibe between Leonard and Carol, so there could be something going on between them. Patty, meanwhile, is on top of everything and is waiting for Carol at the psychiatrist's office one day. Carol spills everything and Patty learns that Tessa was there on Thanksgiving.

Patty has troubles of her own. Her son, Michael, comes clean and tells her what she already knows. Then, under the guise of looking for family health problems he asks irritating questions which upset Patty. She has no one in her life and he feels to reinforce that, sticking the knife in and turning it several times. Michael turned out to be a terrible person like his mother. Patty also deals with Julian Decker who wants to knock down her walls. She hits a hole in the wall on her own, and in one of her dream sequences, sees a horse. I have no clue what it means. Could the writers be any more vague?

Arthur Frobisher seems to be unrelated to the Tobins and will provide a separate plotline. Terry Brooke and his producer, Gail Sturmer, want to make a movie about Frobisher's redemption. Initially, they want to paint Patty as the bad guy, but Frobisher, surprisingly, pulls them back and offers to let them meet her. At the meeting, Frobisher wants Patty to say something good about him, but she repeats what she's been saying. Frobisher is a bad person who stole money from his employees and still hasn't paid them back. Outside, an incensed Frobisher tells his producers to finish her off.

Ellen's sister gets caught with meth and turns for Ellen for help. She is unwillingly to help at first and her colleagues tell her to stay as far away from the case as possible. As with Patty, Ellen has a soft spot for family, and asks Patty to help her with the situation.

The two flash forwards revealed almost nothing. Tom hands Patty his resignation letter, and she isn't completely surprised. The last flash forward is Tom calling someone, presumably his wife, to say that he loves her. Something falls off the bridge into the water. From the shape, it doesn't look like a human, but it's reasonable to think it was Tom who jumped or was pushed off. It makes the most sense.

Score: 8.5/10
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