Thursday, December 9, 2010

Review - Community Season 2 Episode 11 Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas

How does Community continue to do this each week!? This season has been all over the place, and I mean that in the best way possible. No two episodes are alike in structure or message, and the comedy has been consistently topnotch.

Somehow, "Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas" manages to top everything with everything we'd hope from a Christmas episode. The episode is shown through Abed's (slightly) messed up mind in stop-motion. What starts as a group therapy session with Professor Duncan becomes a trip to find the true message of Christmas.

Aside from how delightful the world looks and the songs, the episode has an underpinning of sadness from the fact that Abed won't be spending this Christmas with his mother. The Christmas card from his mother pushed him to fall back into his subconscious where animation and his childish imagination exists, shielding him from the pain. In confronting the truth, however, his friends are there to support him, and that's the meaning of Christmas. Even if Abed's mother isn't there, at least he has a group of people who care for him.

Score: 9.6/10
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