Saturday, December 11, 2010

Review - Bones Season 6 Episode 9 The Doctor in the Photo

I am an entire day behind the television watching, so for the sake of time, reviews for Thursday and Wednesday shows will be very short (shorter than they the present short reviews). I was overwhelmed this week with other stuff, but I'll definitely be churning out reviews next week.

Despite the fact that the first half of the episode has ridiculously clunky dialogue--some of the worst I've ever heard--and frustratingly unsubtle parallels between Brennan and the surgeon, "The Doctor in the Photo" contains the biggest development for Brennan, and Emily Deschanel is fantastic.

Along with the tricks Brennan's mind plays on her, Micah (presumably, he was part of her imagination) and the same voice and photo, the episode becomes watchable. And now that Brennan realizes she should have made the move earlier, Booth knows, and we're finally moving ahead and out of that ditch.

Score: 8.6/10
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