Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Review - Warehouse 13 Season 2 Episode 13 Secret Santa

Random Christmas episode... hooray? "Secret Santa" is a standalone episode, not following up on the cliffhanger at the end of episode 12, which probably is a good thing since it's a lot less complicating. Basically, the episode is light on everything, plot and depth included, to give a generic Christmas, friends and family happy together. Claudia gets Artie and his father to reconcile, and like other relationship problems on the show, it's done very easily.

As far as the artifact finding goes, it was really nonsensical and only an easy way for Pete and Myka to do something Christmas related. And seriously, what's wrong with building a shopping mall? It would create jobs--you know, lowering the 9.8% unemployment rate--and deliver cheaper goods for consumers.

Score: 8.2/10
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