Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Review - Better Off Ted Season 1 Episode 9 Bioshuffle

Everything at Veridian Dynamics is running smoothly until Dr. Bomba's biocomputer (Farscape?) starts leaking and sets Linda's workspace on fire. A cleanup crew comes and Veronica's whole floor is turned into a mess since half the cubicles are unworkable.

Linda is moved to the basement with a creepy food tester and then pretty much shames Ted into moving into his office. This is disastrous for Ted as he can't stop staring at her, and she has some peculiar habits like not doing work and talking with her fish. Eventually he gets fed up and moves in with Veronica. They both will stay quiet and mind their own business right? Of course not, Veronica is getting lots of pressure form upstairs and finally resorts to shooting a chair.

A beautiful scientist moves into the lab with Phil and Lem. Lem gets the courage to ask her out, but before kissing her, he sneezes, and then she head-butts him, knocking him out. Another guy moves in with her and appears to be making a move on her. Lem decides to take matters into his own hand and use the hypersonic sound machine to make her vomit. Unfortunately, this allows for the new guy to take care of her even though he first seemed like a jerk to her.

Ted talks to Linda and they start yelling at each other, ultimately deciding to be professional. I guess this puts a hold on Ted and Linda for a while. The episode ends with Ted looking at Linda's butt which has tape with the words "If you're reading this you're NOT being professional."

The episode had plenty of funny moments, but not as many as last week. Nonetheless, the episode was still good.

Score: 8/10


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