Friday, February 18, 2011

Review - Fairly Legal Season 1 Episode 5 The Two Richards

It seems like Fairly Legal has only begun, but it's already halfway through the first season. For the most part, there hasn't been much serialization in terms of plot. The introduction of David Smith and his mysterious motives, however, represents the beginning of the usual USA style, standalone episodes surrounding a story arc. By the end of the episode Kate knows who is David Smith (Richard Dean Anderson), but doesn't tell Lauren. Since there aren't life or death circumstances involved (at least from what it seems), I'm not entirely sure how long this could drag on.

"The Two Richards" has a case which was one of weakest so far. It involves a wife and a husband who "died" because he is totally different after being hit by a bus. It's kind of bizarre, without anyone looking for a medical explanation for his change in behavior (perhaps it's because of all the House episode I've watched), and Kate gets them to reconcile in the end, so they presumably agreed to the settlement.

I kind of have problems with Justin being weirded out by his naked neighbor. From the viewers' vantage point, the neighbor looked a fair distance away, and even if Justin could see more than he wanted, couldn't he just not look in that direction?

Score: 8.2/10
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