Friday, February 18, 2011

Review - Bones Season 6 Episode 14 The Bikini in the Soup

How about that final scene? Booth and Brennan at the shooting range, using authentic 20s weapons, is the fun couple I remember, and it's not tinged with romantic overtones that the majority of endings the past couple seasons.

"The Bikini in the Soup" has a good amount of investigation, and agreement between Booth and Brennan that Valentine's Day is pointless--but .there is a pointless time limit imposed on the investigation. Cam doesn't have to be there to arrest the suspect, but the writers force it into the episode so Cam spends the episode telling people to hurry up.

What's up with the interns changing behavior? Fisher is trying to be less depressed and now Clark has done a 180, telling everyone about his personal life. If this keeps going on, Nigel-Murray and Daisy will stop yapping all the time (which is a negative for Nigel-Murray and a positive for Daisy).

Score: 8.5/10
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