Friday, January 28, 2011

Review - Nikita Season 2 Episode 14 Free

I'm really busy this week, so very short reviews only.

My biggest complaint about Nikita is that Division is painted in a certain light which doesn't allow for moral ambiguity. Plain and simple, they're bad people. With "Free," there's also another problem: Nikita consistently fools Division. It's natural for Nikita to get a few wins here and there, but she's only one person plus Alex versus, well, an entire division. Meandering between random flashbacks, pointless romance, and yet another Michael-Nikita encounter, "Free" is very disappointing, especially coming after the great midseason finale.

If you've been following Nikita news and ratings, you'd see that its 18-34 female demographic--the one most coveted by the CW--has been doing that well. In response, the CIA guy Ryan was introduced as a romance for Nikita. Unfortunately, he's only pleasant and nothing more, without that needed spark. Alex also has a new guy in her life, although we don't know much about him yet.

Score: 8.1/10
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