Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Review - Warehouse 13 Season 2 Episode 8 Merge with Caution

Aside from the hilarity stemming from Pete and Myka's body switch, "Merge with Caution" had a lot of what I dislike about "Warehouse 13." Bookending the artifact mishaps was a pile of sappiness with Pete and his girlfriend and Myka and her high school crush, resulting in an overly long exposition in the beginning taking up a third of the episode and eye roll inducing fluff at the end.

And my biggest problem with the show--the way the show wraps up stitches in the character relationships--lay a huge mark on the show. Although lots happened between them in the episode, there's nothing we can take from them. Pete and Myka are still close and chummy, as they've been this season, and Claudia remains as trustworthy as ever.

The lighter side of the episode was a blast to watch as it usually is. The body switching griffin/lion/eagle generated lots of laughs without getting too awkward, and it was nice seeing the pairing of Artie and Claudia in the field. I imagine Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly had lots of fun impersonating one another's characters.

Score: 8.1/10
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