Saturday, August 28, 2010

Review - The Pillars of the Earth Part 7 New Beginnings / 8 The Work of Angels

The Pillars of the Earth was good viewing for the summer that I didn't really feel like commenting on. There's not much else on Friday or Saturday, so it was something enjoyable to watch. But I rarely had a response to what transpired on the screen other than the though that the production value was great.

The time skips play a large role in that. They have a way of disconnecting the viewer by jumping from important moment to important moment, without pause for the more mundane aspects of life in 12th Century England. The exact plot points which move things forward are intently the focus, and the characters, Kingsbridge, and Shiring are along for the ride. When everything jumps ahead in time, whether it be a year or 10 years, it seems to be all the same, from the appearances of Aliena or Jack to everyone's behavior (Jack and Aliena's "spat" resolved itself in about 2 minutes.).

The plot itself is basically people constantly double-crossing each other with Waleran as the primary instigator. Poor townsfolk--and the cathedral--suffer as a result. And variations on that is repeated in every episode.

"New Beginnings" and "The Work of Angels" wraps things up as expected. After more evil by Waleran and the usual suspects, the evildoers are killed, exposed for who they are, and the good guys are happy. At least the final shot was cool--the camera pans out to show the cathedral still erect in modern times.

Score: 8.3/10
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